Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Possible Answer...maybe?

I'll be upfront and honest in that the last few weeks haven't been easy when it comes to planning, preparing or eating meals. But one thing I've learned is that Heavenly Father is very mindful of my current struggles as well as others. 

Some days or meals haven't been easy to conquer and I've been ready to give up. Yet, I stumble on a blog or see someone else who has worse challenges than I do which brings me back to the reality of life. I should be grateful for what health I have and that I was able to bring a beautiful little girl into this world healthy and strong. Many other sick people, near or far, aren't able to find potential answers to their illness due to financial reasons, locations, or whatever circumstance! Luckily, I have a great sister-in-law and cousin who both recently discovered their solutions along with many other friends as well. 

Both Trent and I have had mixed feelings in going back and forth about various food groups or even specific foods. A few months ago, we mad a list of specific foods that we knew affected my stomach to some degree but I didn't stick to it very much. When you strive to eliminate a certain food in your diet, it's just like breaking habit....it isn't easy. Frustation might be a better word, at least for me that is. So let's fast forward about a month ago, when we decided to take a different approach which still wasn't easy, but I knew I had to do something. 

With lots of prayer and struggles, we've come to a possible answer that I might be lactose intolerant. I know, I should be shouting for joy in that we found something that might work...however, sometimes Heavenly Father only gives us answers little by little. I may be lactose intolerant but there are still a bunch of other foods that make me sick, some worse than others. There's a good chance I can keep the lactcose intolerance under control with some lactaid pills. But for everything else, I've started keeping track of what I've eaten and its effect to me. The last two nights didn't turn out that great, but we hope to have an idea of what the food was and better luck next time! 

A lot of people have come up to me or Trent and expressed their concern for me and my health. Thank you all so much! We appreciate all your love, support, and prayers! It's a lot easier on me as I know that I am cared for and not alone! Hopefully, this is a little step onto our big, new adventure of diet change.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What to do?

So, my second attempt of a dairy-free diet didn't go very well...it lasted a few days, maybe if even that. Diets are so hard especially when you got to feed a husband and child, too! Ok, so I probably shouldn't blame it all them cuz I know all this diet thing is based on me and what I do for myself.  It's just so emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically hard. Lately, I've been tired with occasional headaches and ringing ears. By the time Trent gets home from work, I'm almost bushed from the day and keeping up with my cute Chloe-bug!

Good thing that husbands and wives work together in many aspects because I would never make it every day without him! He is the 'pick-me-up' and keep me going in the afternoons! Over the last month of so, we've been making dinner and doing dishes together (he usually finishes up) which has been fun and a lifesaver for all of us!

Back to my diet, I've haven't drunk any real milk in the last few months that I can remember. There are a lot more foods and dishes that have milk or dairy products included that I originally thought wouldn't...which is where I probably get more frustrated! After only a few months and realizing how hard it is to eat dairy-free, I have more respect and give high regards to those who are celiac, lactose intolerant, or even both! Most days I start out dairy free but because I eat so little and still feel sick, I end up eating some type of dairy by bedtime!! Frustrating I know! Hopefully next week is better!