Monday, September 24, 2012

Second attempt

As I mentioned in my previous post, this dairy-free diet only lasted almost two weeks...but it seemed like a long time! I've never been good about having self-control when it comes to eating and avoid various foods until recently. Sweets, cookies, and candy just don't appeal to me like years past. I can usually find (and talk myself) into something healthier or just don't take one. Now that I get an upset stomach after eating such things, it's much easier. However, it's been harder to avoid chocolates and tomato products (including salsa and chips)! Every once in a long while with dinner or as an indulgence, I eat a chocolate yet knowing that I'll regret it later. I have started cooking more with tomatoes lately only because they are used in a lot of things and the focus right now is more on dairy products. A couple months ago, we made a list of foods I upset my stomach which includes various things. Yet, if I were to avoid that list plus these current foods, what would I be eating?

Today is day one of another dairy-free diet, in hopes, that I will last longer than before. I'm currently at a roadblock now that everything I eat upsets my stomach which makes me nauseous and/or tired to a point....some more or some less. We hope this discouragement won't last long for either one of us as we both face this hard struggle everyday. I enjoy eating with Chloe during the day and sitting up with my family at's just that I eat way less than I used to.

Last night, my wonderful sweetheart gave me a blessing right before bed to help calm my emotions and body. Heavenly Father will always be with me no matter how sick or discouraging I might feel. I am a special daughter who He loves and cherishes. I could feel my Father's love and support as I listened to the blessing and felt tears on my cheeks. He knows I can handle this trial, as hard and frustrating as it may be...but He will never leave me comfortless. After Trent finished the blessing, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and gave him a hug for a few minutes. No words, just the Spirit.

A big, special thanks to my wonderful in-laws who raised a loving and supportive young man who honors his Priesthood and little family! I know you both don't see him a lot, but you've given me the ultimate best and true gift I found five years ago!! Thank you :)

Friday, September 21, 2012


Yes, I totally gave up this week in eating dairy-free and paid the price for it! It was late Sunday night when I got way nauseous and then everything went downhill from that! Maybe it is milk products that affect my digestive system; however, we still wonder if it is more than just dairy too.

Oh, how the joys of trial and error are so discouraging and not fun! It's like I try to eat occasional meals without dairy and then I still feel sick....ugh!

Some of me just wants to go back to the specialist and say run more tests, please! (It's been a couple of years since the previous ones). But deep down inside, I know I need to do better on my part of experimenting with a dairy-free or gluten-free. Neither one is easy and requires a big sacrifice on my part  especially when it comes to feeding my family. The specialist did tell me that even if they run medical tests, their results could come back as negative whereas if I tried it on my own, it might be positive. Silly I know, but it does make sense.

Chloe is in a phase right now that she's better at eating meals when at least Trent or I are eating with her. I love eating with Chloe and teaching her how to share - which doesn't make this diet decision any easier for me. Anyways, I still have been feeling tired and very nauseous this week plus I've been having ringing and popping ears. When we went in for Chloe's 15-month apt, her pediatrician and I talked about how our ears are connected with our jawbone/teeth which would explain why she keeps sticking her fingers in her ears. So, that makes more sense to me now how all my dry heaves cause my ears to constantly ring and pop! Not cool!

This morning, I told Trent that as hard as it was, I need to make a bigger effort to continue on with this dairy-free diet. So hopefully when I start back on Sunday, I can last longer than 2 weeks and only introduce one food in at a time. If that doesn't work for about 3 or so weeks, then our next resort will be gluten-free! One day a solution will day!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Cheese or sour cream or what?

Last night for dinner, Trent made us homemade Navajo tacos with the wondrous help of our bread machine. He also was willing to let me cave in and have cheese and sour cream with it as well. Let me make it clear that he isn't controlling what I can and cannot eat....but he is the stronger of us two when it comes to this diet. Some days have just been pure hard and he's willing to support me in whatever I choose to eat. Anyways, the two-week mark of my dairy-free diet is actually today, but we decided to give dairy products a try once again.

Wait, I know what you're thinking. Aren't you supposed to introduce one new food at a time? Yes, you are but I just couldn't help myself and knew it would hurt me later in the evening. Which it did, unfortunately. :( Lately, I've been getting headaches and faint ringing ears which is related to GERD but last night was differently. Chloe was asleep and we were getting ready for bed when suddenly I had the urge and the strong dry heaves (and taste) of dinner. All I told Trent was 'run and get my a bowl, fast'!

Anyways, I will spare you the details and get to the point. I didn't end up throwing up, just a few spits here and there. But I was so ready to crawl in bed and get some rest. Hopefully today can be a restful day as I'm already with going for a walk and ready for a long nap. Maybe I should go back to a dairy-free diet including sour cream chips. But than again, I still have been sick for the past couple weeks with eating no dairy....why? That's what is so frustrating. The next alternative I have is going gluten-free which would be a lot harder.

So for right now, back to the dairy-free diet it is - maybe for another week or so. Oh, decisions, decisions, decisions....sometimes I wish they would be so easy!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sherbet & patience

"You never know what (or who) you're missing...until its (or the person) is gone."
  --a gold star to whomever knows the author!

To be honest with myself, it hasn't been an easy week with this dairy-free diet...especially when I realized that sherbet contains milk. :( Lately, I haven't been too much of an ice cream or sweets fan, but more often now I've had some sherbet or a few cookies. Then as I was telling a family member of my diet, she mentioned that sherbet contains milk.....and there it went! NOOO!! Luckily, I didn't blow up in front of this person, but totally damped my outlook on this diet.

Some days, I have just snacked throughout the day and then made dinner for Chloe and Trent. Although deep down inside, I know I need to eat better meals but sometimes it's so easy to let the frustration to win. I love the look on Chloe's face as she is reading a book or knocking a tower down because even the tinest thing creates a huge smile!

As today is Sept. 11th, it's made me also reflect on many people who have lost loved ones from the hijacked planes, falling Twin Towers, the damaged buildings or sites, and many others who gave their life to rescue another friend in need. I shouldn't really complain much when numerous people have bigger problems than me or their lives have been affected in such a big way like 9/11.

We all have our different challenges in life - some we face as a country, a family, or just as an individual. Faith and patience are two characteristics that I struggle with most. Yet hopefully, I can focus on them through this dairy-free diet just like America's faith through these tragic, but humbling tragedies.

Friday, September 7, 2012

No cravings yet!

It's almost been a week of this dairy-free diet and I'm proud to say I haven't craved anything so far....but I know they'll come!

Although, that doesn't mean I've thought about missing out on yogurt or chips/veggies with dip. Chloe had macaroni and cheese the other day and luckily I'm not too fond of the box style, so it wasn't a problem!
Lately, I haven't been too good about avoiding sweets and cookies - unless it contains chocolate then I'm better at staying away. However, that doesn't mean that I still don't have my chocolate stash for a much-needed day of indulgence. When I was in the hospital with Chloe, my anut and uncle brought me a box of Mrs. Florence's chocolates - which I save for only special or needed days!

Otherwise, my goal is to have a dairy-free diet and very few sweets on a rare occasion. We originally made a list of foods that both bother my stomach and one big item is anything tomato-based. As we've researched dairy-free menus, it's hard to plan and cook tomato and dairy-free plus my huge list of foods. I haven't been as strict with those foods this past week in order to focus more on dairy products. Maybe as time goes, I'll eliminate a few off and on. Anyways, it's been an OK week and having to realize that answers don't come as fast I as want them to...but for now I must do my part in eating dairy-free. Thanks to a wonderful husband who always reminds me to be strong!!