Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bumpy ride

When I was a kid, I always wondered what life would be like if I had an allergy to a certain food....silly me, I know. Oh, I probably jinxed myself.  Yet, it's interesting how Heavenly Father leads us on a path that we NEED as much as we WANT. Back in Rexburg, Trent and I spent lots of time and ate many meals with my extended Blackham family (especially Uncle Kevin, Aunt Ann and their family). I watched Aunt Ann prepare meal after meal and it never phased me how she fed her family each day on a celiac diet. A visitor to their home would never know she eats differently.

I look up to her a lot more now that I am a wife and a mother in her similar situation but with a young family. It isn't easy to watch Trent or Chloe eat chocolate chip cookies or homemade muffins! Don't get me wrong...I can cook myself the same foods, but it doesn't taste the same. My wonderful husband tries his best and wants me to have all food possibilities...but sometimes that just isn't possible. He made me some chocolate krinkle balls this past weekend and they are really yummy!!

As a young couple, we don't really go out to eat much. Sometimes we would splurge once on about $10 and get dinner depending on the month! There are only a few restaurants that are gluten-free and even then, you still have to be careful with cross-contamination. Unfortunately, parties and family gatherings fall into this same category, hard as it may be. We have gone to a few recently and it hasn't been easy for either of us. The best way to conquer this obstacle and not make a scene is to bring my own food. At first, that sounds fine and guarantees that I have food to eat. But when it comes down to eating and watching others have food that I USED TO eat, there's where I fall weak.

My real hope is that I can come out on top of this diet and be able to eat differently around others. I still don't feel good some days but I know I must focus on the positive things. I've lost a lot of weight and even able to now wear some of my old high school pants!

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