Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sherbet & patience

"You never know what (or who) you're missing...until its (or the person) is gone."
  --a gold star to whomever knows the author!

To be honest with myself, it hasn't been an easy week with this dairy-free diet...especially when I realized that sherbet contains milk. :( Lately, I haven't been too much of an ice cream or sweets fan, but more often now I've had some sherbet or a few cookies. Then as I was telling a family member of my diet, she mentioned that sherbet contains milk.....and there it went! NOOO!! Luckily, I didn't blow up in front of this person, but totally damped my outlook on this diet.

Some days, I have just snacked throughout the day and then made dinner for Chloe and Trent. Although deep down inside, I know I need to eat better meals but sometimes it's so easy to let the frustration to win. I love the look on Chloe's face as she is reading a book or knocking a tower down because even the tinest thing creates a huge smile!

As today is Sept. 11th, it's made me also reflect on many people who have lost loved ones from the hijacked planes, falling Twin Towers, the damaged buildings or sites, and many others who gave their life to rescue another friend in need. I shouldn't really complain much when numerous people have bigger problems than me or their lives have been affected in such a big way like 9/11.

We all have our different challenges in life - some we face as a country, a family, or just as an individual. Faith and patience are two characteristics that I struggle with most. Yet hopefully, I can focus on them through this dairy-free diet just like America's faith through these tragic, but humbling tragedies.

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