In the last few weeks, I've occasionally tried a few gluten foods only to feel the side effects later that day or through the night. Being 8 1/2 months pregnant, I can usually distinguish the difference between pregnancy and gluten symptoms. Not fun! I am very grateful though for a wonderful husband who stays up with me and does all he can to comfort and ease my pain!
On the brighter side, Trent always makes sure that I have some sort of treat or yummy snack in our house that I can eat. Each week, he is so willing to make me some muffins or recipe that we stick in the freezer! Lately, I've woken up in the middle of the night hungry and these muffins have saved both of us! Heavenly Father is watching out for me and my diet even though some days I'd rather eat regular food! We are so blessed that pregnancy is working with my gluten-free diet and hope it continues!